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Nick Nichols’ Talent Stack

These nine distinct, well-developed talents are displayed – not to try to impress you – but to impress upon you that Nick has a diverse, well-rounded background that you won’t find anywhere else. Nick doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. What this means to you is, when you hire Nick to speak, train your team, or provide strategic marketing advice to your senior executives, you can be certain that Nick will deliver content that is grounded in his 20+ years of real-world experience. Unlike ordinary consultants, Nick actually does or has done what he teaches. No theory. No fluff. No bull. Skeptical? See Nick’s “World-Famous $1000 Challenge” below.

  • Top Ten Percent of the World’s Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) Speakers · Nick has delivered more than 50 presentations in the past 12 months – from strategic work sessions for intimate groups of 12-20, to keynotes for larger audiences of 300 and sizes in between – all highly-rated and well-received. This means that you can be confident that Nick is a seasoned pro who will deliver a presentation to your group or audience that is meaningful, memorable and most of all, actionable. Nick is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), the highest level awarded by Toastmasters International, a worldwide organization of speakers with more than 357,000 members in 143 countries. Only about half a percent of Toastmasters rise to become DTMs. This means you get a polished, professional speaker who will deliver a high-quality presentation.
  • The World’s First USPologist™ · Nick’s specialty is creating compelling, laser-focused Dynamic Unique Selling Propositions (DUSPs) that attract and engage more qualified prospects and convert them into buyers. He is an expert in hypnotic writing and subliminal persuasion. Nick magically turns dull, inner-focused, “name, rank and serial number” sales copy into words that sell. This means more people will stop, look and listen, and more people will buy!  He is the creator of USPology® – the art and science of being unique.
  • World-Class Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) Marketing Expert · Nick is not some guy who read a bunch of marketing books and took a couple of marketing seminars then suddenly became an “expert.” He is a doer with more than 22 years of hands-on, in the trenches, walk-the-walk experience figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Nick has personally implemented what he teaches for himself and his clients. This means that Nick’s advice and guidance is based on his ongoing real-time experience and not theoretical or outdated methods that don’t work in today’s world.
  • More Entertaining than 99% of SME Speakers · Nick was the creator of and head writer for “The Morning Punch” radio comedy show-prep service sent Monday-Friday to the top morning shows in 120 U.S. markets. It was the highest-rated, most-acclaimed radio show prep service ever. The material was so good that Jay Leno was (secretly) a subscriber who paid a premium fee! This means that Nick knows how to add humor to his presentation that will make your audience smile, chuckle and even belly laugh.
  • Strategic Thinker Unlike Anyone You’ve Encountered · Nick helps SMEs to identify and position themselves to their most profitable markets. He then uncovers and helps them utilize their hidden and underused marketing assets to achieve higher and higher levels of profit with little or no added expense. This is huge! No one else teaches this the way Nick does, which means that audience members will be able to get immediate, measurable results after hearing Nick speak. No theory. No fluff. No bull.
  • Expert in Identifying Joint Venture Opportunities · As part of working with clients, Nick finds complementary, non-competing businesses and organizations that are open to mutually profitable partnerships. The problem is, most SME owners never consider partnering with a third party to tap into their databases and vice-versa. Or worse, they don’t have a usable database! Nick shows audiences how thinking big will result in more profits with less effort and expense than they ever thought was possible! This means profiting from huge, newfound, scalable revenue opportunities with very little effort!
  • World-Class Internet Reputation Expert · Nick literally wrote the books on how to defend and repair an SME or service professional’s online reputation and how to create and build a 5-star internet reputation. He has helped clients defend themselves from cyberstalking and cyber extortion. He knows how to strike back with a vengeance. But more important, he knows what SMEs need to do now  to preempt a digital assault on their livelihoods. This means Nick can show your audience how to prepare for an inevitable attack, and how to fight back!
  • Expert WordPress Website Designer and Analyst · Do you notice how this website is configured? Simple. Straightforward. Clean. Secure. Faster loading than 93% of all websites tested. The concepts are outer-focused, with benefits heaped upon benefits. Nick designed, programmed, optimized, and wrote the copy for all his websites from scratch. None of the so-called marketing “gurus” could create a website like this themselves if their lives depended on it! It’s because Nick knows how to create websites like this that he can advise others what to do and what not to do. He’s been counseling SME owners on all things internet since 1996. This means your audience will get the latest on what Google is up to and how to deal with it, along with website usability and security advice you just can’t get anywhere else!
  • Versatile Voice Artist and Expert Audio Editor/Producer · Nick has designed and supervised the building of two audio recording studios. He has voiced hundreds of audio segments, including telephone on-hold commercials, radio commercials, video narrations, podcasts, and how-to content. Nick is an expert audio editor who knows how to tweak audio files so they sound great with even sound levels among multiple speakers, minimal background noise, removal of flubs and filler words (ah, um, etc.) and the addition of music and even sound effects! This means Nick can help you implement a world-class audio content strategy for you and your business!
  • If you are convinced that Nick will deliver compelling, meaningful, actionable content in an entertaining, interactive way, call 214-458-2290 during normal business hours Central time to speak with Nick about custom tailoring a program for your group or audience.

    Nick’s World-Famous $1000 Challenge:

    If you can find anyone, anywhere who can top Nick’s unique talent stack as listed above, he will pay you $1000 cash. He’s had this challenge since 1996 and has never had to pay out a penny. Could that be because it can’t be done? Read what Nick offers and ask yourself, “Am I likely to find someone better qualified to speak to my group?” The answer, of course, is no. Go ahead. See how Nick can make you a star.

    Nick Nichols Speaker

    Nick’s Favorite Quote:

    “Little people with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes that would jar their little worlds.” – Zig Ziglar

    USPology and USPologist are trademarks of Nick Nichols.